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Согласно нашим коммерческий директор Татьяна Белькевич опросам, многие отечественные игроки столкнулись director profashion. Нам показалось правильным обсудить эти вопросы adv profashion. Поэтому мы пригласили экспертов Юлия Попкова и практиков, представителей фабрик и их заказчиков, adv1 profashion.
To browse Academia. Specific non-derivative nouns that are functioning in Smolensk dialect reveal a significant number of lexical parallels in the independent languageе structure of the contemporary Belarusian language. The analysis of these words is carried out in order to establish their status in two synchronous lexical and gram- matical systems for further clarification relating to the number of lexical parallels of different origins in Smolensk dialect. The subject of the study is the volume of lexical meaning of specific nonderivative nouns recorded in independent, but at the same time contact-located language formations, in one of which they have a regional status Smolensk dialect , and in the other one they are included in the codified form of the standard language the Belarusian language.
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